Kostantinos Matakos

Kostantinos Matakos
Visiting Associate Professor of Government

I am a professor of Economics at King’s College London visiting Harvard in AY2023. My primary research fields are Political Economy, Formal Theory, Public Economics and Applied Microeconomics. In my research, I utilize both formal modelling and systematic empirical analysis. I am particularly interested in the political economy of redistribution and inequality, the politics of identity and race, the design of electoral institutions and their effects on polarization, electoral competition and participation, machine politics and corruption, electoral behavior and formal models of elections. Recently I have embarked on studying the economic and political consequences of refugee migration and the role of social norms on tackling gender-based violence and discrimination. My work has appeared in outlets such as the American Journal of Political Science, American Political Science Review, Economic Theory, Journal of Public Economics, Quarterly Journal of Political Science, British Journal of Political Science and Political Analysis among others, and explores the linkages between economic and political inequality, the effects of electoral institutions on electoral competition and polarization, the structure of the party-system, and intra-party dynamics, and the political repercussions of mass migration and identity politics.


My Website

Comparative Politics | Methods and Formal Theory

Academic Interests
Climate Change | Data Science & Political Methodology | Gender | Institutions |  Legislatures | Parties, Campaigns, & Elections | Political Economy & Development | Political Geography | Political Psychology | Public Opinion | Political Policy | Race & Ethnicity | Voter Behavior

Research Methods
Experiments | Formal Theory | Historical Methods
Quantitative Methods | Surveys

Geographic Regions of Study
Europe | Middle East and North America | United States