Isa Peña

Isa Peña
Peer Concentration Counselor
Class of 2024 (Cabot House)

Hey everyone! My name is Isa Peña, and I’m a senior in Cabot House from Miami, FL! I study Government on the data science track and East Asian Studies (as a joint concentration) with a secondary in Theater, Dance, and Media. I am so excited to be one of your PCCs this academic year! 

I’ve been taking classes in the department since I was a freshman here, and am happy to talk about choosing courses as someone who wasn’t sure what exactly within the department I wanted to focus on until a few semesters later. I am really interested in Chinese geopolitics, as well as using data science to better understand voter behavior here in the US. I’m writing a thesis on the Cultural Revolution and the kinds of propaganda that circulated throughout that time period. I’m on the Data Science track, but I didn’t join until very recently, so feel free to reach out if you’re not sure what track you might be interested in within the department and how to find the best fit! 

I’ve explored a diverse array of Gov-related summer internships that I am happy to discuss with anyone who is considering them! I’ve worked for the US Senate and House of Representatives, as well as for the DNC. Last summer, I worked at Mercury, a political strategy firm based out of NYC. I was also recently admitted to law school and am happy to talk about the process! 

Outside of the classroom, I sing with The Harvard Opportunes and perform with the Hasty Pudding Theatricals. I am also a member of the JFK Jr. Forum at the IOP and sing with my band, the Yard Bops! 

Feel free to reach out with any questions about the Gov department and life at Harvard generally! Always happy to chat. Welcome to Harvard, and I’m so excited that you’re interested in the coolest concentration 🙂